"The epidemic is merciless, and football has love". Adams sponsored Kunming agent football team

Adams actively sponsored the Kunming agent football team and encouraged everyone to step out of the haze and overcome the epidemic through a football event....

Directly at the exhibition | Adams appeared in the 4th China (Linyi) Whole House Customized Boutique

From June 6th to 8th, 2020, Adams attended the Shandong Whole House Customization Professional Exhibition-the 4th Linyi Whole House Customization Exhibition, Booth No.: 2AT-58, the main products displ...

Adams at the 2020 Changsha Construction Expo

The Changsha Construction Expo mainly showcased Adams hinge AD series, Adams ADS small-angle cushioning series products, booth number W1 hall T46....

Let the cloakroom space become larger, the storage capacity is improved!

Adams cloakroom hardware series, to meet the user's more personalized needs, easily save space, not only do not need to decorate or change the house, is really time-saving and money saving....

Good luck! Guangdong Adams officially put into operation and production

On February 20, 2020, we bid farewell to the holiday. Guangdong Adams set sail bravely with ideals and hopes, and we will firmly believe together to win 2020!...

New crossing to win the future! Adams' 2019 finale was a success

On January 11, 2020, the Adams 2019 closing party kicked off in Adams production park. All the staff and guests of Adams company gathered together in a peaceful and warm atmosphere to summarize the ac...

【Adams Concealed Drawer Slide】Enjoy every moment of peace

Every use is smooth and smooth...

The first day of the Yunnan exhibition | Guangdong Adams strong attack, the flag is winning!

August 22-23, 2019, "Yunnan Jianbo Fair" was held in Kunming. “From “Building” to “Installing” to display the whole industry chain coverage with one-stop product service display” – it has developed in...
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